Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Jump, Aisha Jump!

“’Come on!’ I call. ‘It’s not that far!’ I hold out both hands. The hot air wavers between us. Then Aisha lets her arms float to her sides as she jumps toward me.”
Page 148 of Ask Me No Questions by Marina Budhos

I have really noticed that the author (Marina Budhos) loves using a combination of second meanings and foreshadowing. This is the last paragraph of the chapter, right after Nadira has convinced Aisha that they need to go talk to Mr. Friedlander about their legal status, and try to convince him that Aisha is worthy of being the next valedictorian. To me, I feel that this sentence proves that Aisha is trusting Nadira. She is jumping to her with trust both physically and literally.

Questions for you:

What do you like about this quote? (The way it’s written, what it means)
What do you dislike about it?
What do you think will happen with the girls and Mr. Friedlander?


  1. Yay i'm first again!!!Yeah I thought the same thing about Marina Budhos liking double meanings. I think that ever since Nadira got Abba out of jail, she feels invinsible, and that nobody will report them. i think that is was really brave of Aisha to go with her as well.(Also a little bit stupid :p)

  2. I like the way this quote is written, and I agree with what you said about foreshadowing. I think Aisha is starting to come out of the phase she was in, but not completely out. Since Abba has been home, I think she's trying harder, thinking there is a possibility that they still have a chance at asylum in Canada.

  3. Yeah, the foreshadowing, hidden meaning thing is really cool! I thought the same thing Alex did when I read this quote. I also love the wording of this paragraph. I can really picture what is happening.

    Answering your last question, I have two ideas. Either Mr. Friedlander will help them figure out a strong argument for if Abba is deported, and help them with that whole situation, or he will report them. I believe the first thing will happen more, though. Mr. Friedlander seems nice.

  4. this quote, i really thought was good because, like i said in my quote, Nadira is strengthening Aisha, like Ma is strengthening Abba. Aisha is now a shadow in the dark, and Nadira is becoming really brave and showing people what she can do. Nadira is trying to get Aisha back to the way she was. But what i mean by back to the way she was is that she is trying to have Aisha find her braveness inside her, and how smart she was, and how willing she was for a challenge.

  5. i agree with karly and i thought that she used great description. i thought that this quote was kind of like a metaphor. it's like nadira is trying to strengthen aisha (mentally and physically). i think that this is really kind of nadira. nadira forgot about her past (bad) relationship with aisha and now she is trying to help her and not insult/hurt/be better than aisha.

  6. Yeah, nice quote I agree. :) Also, it kind of shows the two girls friendship. Yeah, I agree with Karly.

  7. I agree with Alex.I really liked how Alex noticed that the author foreshadows things. Sarah Rabin says she like's Alex's blog.I don't have enough time to respond very far, but I really liked that quote. :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

  8. I also like the hidden meanings in what the author writes. It's cool. I thought that part of this quote, 'The hot air wavers between us,' was a good metaphor for the tension between Aisha and Nadira. Also, it seemed like a metaphorical turning part for the characters. Instead of Nadira following Aisha, Aisha follows Nadira for once.

  9. I agree. The Author seems to be giving a hint or something about what will happen in the end. I really like "Come on!’ I call. ‘It’s not that far!" It shows that Aisha needs to rely and trust Nadira.

  10. I think that by jumping, Aisha is showing that she trusts Nadira. In the beginning of the book Aisha though of her sister as lazy and useless. In the past few months though, I think she has realized that her sister is the only one who really understands what she is going through. I'm glad the sisters can finally cooperate.

  11. I think that if they tell Mr.Friedlander then he might tell the head of school. I think if he does this then the girls will get expelled and the principle will report them. If he reports them then I think that they might get deported.

  12. I agree with Alli, I think that by jumping, Aisha was showing her real trust in Nadira to make the right decision for her because she no longer can. I think that it is a nice example of the sister's trust. It was nice how even after Nadira completely told her everything she thinks about her sister (good and bad) that she was still able to trust her. I do think that it was a good way of describing the tension between them by saying "The hot air wavers between us."
