Wednesday, March 4, 2009


"'This house is being run by women,' he grumbles in that sour-mouth way of his.'"
Chapter 6, Page 43 of Ask Me No Questions by Marina Budhos

I chose this quote because I believe it represents Uncle very well. It shows that he is very traditional. A very large belief of (traditional) Indian people is that [in a marriage] women should stay home and take care of the kids while the man works hard and brings in the money. I actually feel proud that Auntie is breaking this stereotype by going to work. I understand Uncle not wanting change because he has to hold many burdens, but I think he should let his tradition be more flexible if he wants to have a happy relationship with his wife and his daughter, Taslima.

Uncle's attitude also largely affects Nadira. I think that when Uncle got very aggressive about his tradition it not only scared Nadira, but it probably diminished her self-confidence a lot. I feel that Uncle has a very negative affect on Nadira and she shouldn't let it get to her.

1 comment:

  1. I like your quote choice! :) I also agrre with your point. I'm also glad that she's working.
